Wisdom of the Ages; The Best is Yet to Come!

Published: Jan. 31, 2022, 7:23 p.m.


How inspired were you going back to corporate life this year?


  • Are you a Senior Exec aged 40+, feeling a yearning for moving away from corporate life but wondering how to make it a commercial reality?
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  • Do you realise that the skills, experience and depth of expertise you\\u2019ve accrued over the past 20+ years make you more valuable than you\\u2019ve ever been before - and are in high demand?
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  • Would you value taking control of how you work and live in the future - and having access to more choice, money and time than you\\u2019ve previously thought possible?
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If this speaks to you then listen to our ThoughtShop (a webinar) which we recently held live - \\u201cWisdom of the Ages\\u201d - designed with your purpose in mind.



More Choice, Money, Time \\u2013 there is a better way!





  • Their insights into the Future of Work: How the On-demand In-demand economy is reshaping conventional employment and how you can make the most of the opportunity at this stage in your career
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  • Explored the options available to you: The different ways to make moving away from Corporate life a sustainable, commercial reality
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  • Highlighted what could hold you back: What stops Senior Execs like yourself making the decision to make the leap and how to overcome it
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  • Stimulated a new way of thinking to help you make a critical decision on how you\\u2019re going to live and work in the future (WorkLife by design).
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We\\u2019ll guide you through a practical thinking process that will spark your imagination around the art of your possible and help you to plan your WorkLife wisely in 2022.
