Why might we have to pay more to heat our homes? What's the wider impact of another interest rate hike from the Bank of Canada? & Should we continue enjoy entertainers' works after they're accused and/or guilty of horrendous acts?

Published: Sept. 8, 2022, 2:31 a.m.

b"As winter approaches, it's possible we could be seeing a massive 30% jump to the price to heat your home. This comes after an already staggering jump of 50% to the price. What's happened to all of the liquid natural gas (LNG) that's purported to be under Canada? Can't we just use that for cheap?\\nGuest: Patrick DeHaan, Head of Petroleum Analysis, Gasbuddy.com\\n-\\nThe Bank of Canada is set to have another hike to its interest rate which could be very threatening to jobs all over Canada in addition to the economy itself. Is a recession imminent?\\nGuest: Dr. Ian Lee, Associate Professor, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University\\n-\\nWhen entertainers betray the image they try to project to the world, what should we do? Should a musician who's accused of horrendous acts continue to get air play on the radio? Should we continue to enjoy the works of entertainers and athletes after they are accused? What if they're found guilty?\\nGuest: Alan Cross, Host, The Ongoing History of New Music & Creator, A Journal of Musical Things"