Why isn't Hamilton a part of the LRT conversation? Do we have too many left-leaning teachers? Should superstar athletes be treated differently?

Published: March 5, 2021, 2:50 a.m.

b"It seems that the City of Hamilton is being kept out of the conversation surrounding LRT. What's going on here and should Hamilton be a part of the negotiations?\\n\\nGuest: Chad Collins, Ward 5 Councillor, City of Hamilton\\n\\n-\\n\\nIf you thought that there's more left-leaning professors than right-leaning professors in universities across Canada then you'd be right. A new poll has found that's exactly the case with 73% of social science and humanities academics self-identifying as sitting on the left-side of the political/philosophical spectrum while 4% say they sit on the right. How does this impact students' opportunity to be presented with alternate and different ideas and schools of thought?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Christopher Dummitt, Associate Professor, Canadian History, School for the Study of Canada, Trent University; Podcast Host, 1867 & All That\\n\\n-\\n\\nSometimes the rules are bent in sports but it's not always bent the same way for every athlete. Should the superstars get special treatment and extra leeway when they break the rules or injure another player in a way that any other player would be suspended?\\n\\nGuest: Bubba O'Neil, Sports Anchor, CHCH-TV"