We've reached the highest rate of inflation in 3 decades! Do we feel optimistic about the government in Ottawa? & More information surfaces about the driver who killed Boris Brott

Published: April 22, 2022, 1:31 a.m.

b"This year marks the highest rate of inflation in 3 decades! It's not something we should celebrate but it certainly is something that we need to talk about.\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Eric Kam, Professor, Macroeconomics, Ryerson University\\n\\n-\\n\\nHow do we feel about the government in Ottawa? It's a question that has varying answers depending on where you live but if there's one thing that appears to be prevalent, it's a sense of pessimism.\\n\\nGuest: Nik Nanos, Chief Data Scientist & Founder, Nanos Research\\n\\n-\\n\\nThis is not the first time the driver of the vehicle that hit and killed prolific conductor Boris Brott has had a vehicle-related incident. How might that previous incident, and the causes behind it, relate to the killing of Brott? Should this indicate something bigger that needs to be done?\\n\\nGuest: Jeff Manishen. Former prosecutor; Criminal Defence Counsel, Ross & McBride LLP"