New announcements about LRT, Pros & cons of paid sick days, and 2021 Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominees

Published: Feb. 11, 2021, 2:11 a.m.

b"The LRT is back in the news thanks to updates from the provincial and federal governments, but how will they affect Hamilton?\\n\\nGuest: John-Paul Danko, Ward 8 Councilor, City of Hamilton\\n\\n-\\n\\nPaid sick days have been a talking point throughout the pandemic. Some are for it, some are against it. Scott weighs the options with the help of Peter Shawn Taylor.\\n\\nGuest: Peter Shawn Taylor, Senior Features Editor, C2C Journal\\n\\n-\\n\\nNominees for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame are released. Who's on the list? And who deserves to be inducted?\\n\\nGuest: Eric Alper, Publicist, Music Commentator & Shameless Idealist"