Is Hamilton getting it's own film lot? What's happening with LRT and how did filming JFK's assassination affect Abraham Zapruder?

Published: Nov. 29, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

b"Hamiltonian's have been hearing rumors about a film lot that may be coming to the city. Past film shoots have caused issues for traffic and residents, would a dedicated lot cause similar problems and where would it be going?\\n\\nGuest: Edward John, City of Hamilton's Senior Project Manager for Urban Renewal\\n\\n-\\n\\nOntario's Premier, Doug Ford, said today that if Fred Eisenberger wants an LRT, he's getting an LRT. Despite him saying this, does it actually change anything and really have an impact of any kind?\\n\\nGuest: Brad Clark, Ward 9 Councillor-elect\\n\\n-\\n\\nLast Thursday was the 55th anniversary of the assassination of JFK. Abraham Zapruder caught the event on film which changed both his life and the lives of those in his family. Scott caught up with his granddaughter, Alexandra, to talk about how the film affected his life from a first-hand perspective.\\n\\nGuest: Alexandra Zapruder, Author of Twenty-Six Seconds: A Personal History of the Zapruder Film and Granddaughter of Abraham Zapruder"