How much will it cost to fix our broken medical system? How will the LRT affect provincial and municipal elections? Can you fail your driving exam more spectacularly than this? Why shouldn't we name the new school by Tim Hortons Field after Bernie Custis?

Published: April 5, 2018, 1:46 a.m.

b'The president of Concerned Doctors of Ontario says "gross mismanagement and negligence" by the Wynne government has left our medical system is disarray. How can it be fixed? Or perhaps more accurately, how much will it cost to fix it?\\n\\nGuest: Dr. Kulvinder Gill, President of Concerned Doctors of Ontario-\\n\\nThere has been lots of terrific discussion on CHML today about the LRT in the wake of Doug Ford\'s comments. How will this affect the provincial and then the municipal elections now as people (presumably) strategically vote for those who will take their side in this ongoing saga?\\n\\nGuest: Brad Clark, Principal of Maple Leaf Strategies-Going for your driving exam is an incredibly stressful process but more often than not we end up passing the exam and go on with our lives. Unfortunately for some, not everyone is great at driving and it\'s sometimes reflected in their exam, especially if you\'re like this person from the US. He or she didn\'t get too far before failing their test, can you guess what happened?-The city has a school under construction right beside Tim Hortons Field and has asked for suggestions for a name. Bubba pushed the idea of Bernie Custis after the trailblazing football-star-turned-coach-turned-educator. It was a brilliant suggestion. We discuss why.\\xa0And argue why\\xa0the school board should NOT name it after a politician\\xa0or\\xa0a retired\\xa0trustee as so often happens.\\n\\nGuest: Bubba O\'Neil, Sports Anchor at CHCH'