CHML's 90th birthday, is a renegotiated NAFTA really that bad for us? Building a park at the Pier 8 Promenade and True Hamiltonian apparel

Published: Sept. 27, 2017, 3:40 a.m.

b'Today is CHML\'s 90th birthday so Scott thought that he\'d celebrate in his own way with the man who runs it all at CHML, Jeff Storey. Jeff recalls some of the great memories he\'s acquired from the years of working here and what it\'s like to be catching up with some of CHML\'s greatest announcers ever.\\n\\nGuest: Jeff Storey, Program Director & News Director at AM900 CHML-NAFTA is something that affects each and every Canadian, American and Mexican whether we want to accept it or not. Marvin Ryder helps us to understand this confusing agreement when it comes to duties and tariffs. Could duties affect whether or not Amazon moves to Hamilton?\\n\\nGuest: Marvin Ryder, Professor of Marketing at DeGroote School of Business-The Pier 8 Promenade is making its way to become a reality. Councillor Jason Farr weighs in with his opinion on this and it\'s future. With the budget set and the timeline drawn, the question remains, do you think this is a good idea? Should they build something else instead of a park?\\n\\nGuest: Jason Farr, Ward 2 Councillor-There is a huge trend around Hamilton where seemingly everywhere you look, someone is wearing a shirt that says, "Hamilton is Home". To get to the root of this, Scott went straight to the source to talk with the founder of True Hamiltonian apparel, Max Francis, about where he got the idea from, how he designs the shirts and where you can get them from.\\n\\nGuest: Max Francis, Founder of True Hamiltonian apparel'