Ben's Story of the Day - Winning the Wrong Lottery, Baseball Jersey Fights Back & North Korea Curbs Capitalism by Banning Mullets & Skinny Jeans

Published: June 1, 2021, 3:23 a.m.

b"Today's edition of Ben's Story of the Day features:\\n\\n1) If you were to buy a lottery ticket, you generally want it to be in the drawing you want. This lady didn't have that experience as she entered 3 minutes late which put her into the next drawing. It might not be the lottery she wanted but it sure was the outcome she was hoping for, winning a cool $2 million.\\n\\n2) Pulling a sports jersey off is usually straight forward and any professional player has done it thousands of times. A pro baseball player's recent injury might make you think otherwise, after all, a broken thumb is no small thing in America's pastime.\\n\\n3) North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-Un has found the solution to preventing the spread of capitalism through a simple ban on two things: mullets and skinny jeans. Congratulations Kim, you've beat capitalism.\\n\\nWhich one will be crowned Ben's Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?"