Ben's Story of the Day - Sexualized Ketchup, Christmas Dinner In A Can & Choosing Jail Over Living Wife

Published: Nov. 3, 2021, 3:49 a.m.

b'Today\'s edition of Ben\'s Story of the Day features:\\n\\n1) A man in Hull, England got upset over the sexual nature of a bottle of ketchup while at a Pizza Hut. The bottle reads, "shake, squeeze & squirt," and if that doesn\'t get your motor running, I don\'t know what will. As you can clearly see, Ketchup is the sexiest of the condiments.\\n\\n2) If you\'re stocking up for Christmas dinner and need to save time, why not get all of the best parts at once? Introducing Heinz\'s Christmas Dinner Big Soup! Featuring pigs in a blanket, brussels sprouts, stuffing balls, potatoes and "big chunks" of turkey along with a gravy and cranberry sauce. Will it look like dog food? Probably. Will it taste like dog food? Stay tuned.\\n\\n3) Being under house arrest is not supposed to be an enjoyable way of serving a criminal sentence however it is supposed to be better than jail. A man in Italy would argue against that after he asked to be jailed as an escape from being forced to live with his wife. Something tells me that being legally forced to stay at home violates the rules of \'happy wife, happy life\'.\\n\\nWhich one will be crowned Ben\'s Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?'