Ben's Story of the Day - Ikea's 4-hour Podcast, Vasectomy Mayhem & The Price is Right: Operating Room Edition

Published: March 16, 2021, 3:53 a.m.

b'Today\'s edition of Ben\'s Story of the Day features:\\n\\n1) 2021 is set to be the final year that Ikea publishes their annual catalogue in print form. You might then ask yourself, "How are they going to help customers discover their next piece of furniture?" Through the theatre-of-the-mind extravaganza that is the new Ikea Audio Catalogue! This near 4-hour long podcast features a narrator flipping through the whole catalogue describing everything they see.\\n\\n2) Vasectomy ads talking about \'Vasectomy Mayhem\' can\'t possibly be confused with anything else right? The NCAA thinks otherwise according to their trademark complaint which essentially says that \'Vasectomy Mayhem\' can cause some confusion with \'March Madness\'. Looks like someone\'s shorts aren\'t what\'s all in a bunch...\\n\\n3) The Price is Right has a pretty simple rule set, guess the price of something as best as you can but if you guess higher than its actual price you lose. Some Michigan doctors decided to take those rules into the operating room with them to guess the weight of problematic organs as they\'d get removed from a patient.\\n\\nWhich one will be crowned Ben\'s Story of the Day? Which one is your story of the day?'