Are the North Korean cheer leaders softening you up? Should people be organ donors by default? A really silly way to smuggle cocaine and playing hockey for MS

Published: Feb. 15, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

b"If you've seen an Olympic event with a North Korean athlete in it, you've probably also seen the cheering section for them that is almost picture perfect. They're trying to make North Korea seem like not that bad of a place, do you buy it?\\n\\nGuest: Jack Kim, Founder and Special Advisor to HanVoice-In Canada, the we are not organ donators by default. The same can't be said about the Dutch and those who live in the Netherlands because they have passed a bill that says everyone is an organ donor by default unless you specifically say that you don't want to be one. Is this a good idea or should it be repealed?\\n\\nGuest: James Breckenridge, President and CEO of the Canadian Transplant Society-Drug traffickers are creative and desperate to get their product from one place to another and will go to very extreme lengths to ensure success. Despite their best attempts, sometimes they get caught and it's hilarious. Two men in Lisbon, Portugal hid cocaine in a weird way, all we can say is that they like big butts and they cannot lie.-Talent isn't always recognized to its full potential. This can be used to describe Darren Haydar who, though he did play in the NHL, never had the complete chance to let his talent truly flourish. He still plays hockey but is now doing so with Multiple Sclerosis. The Dundas Real McCoys, the team that Haydar is currently playing for, is going to have a game to raise funds for MS research and to spread awareness.\\n\\nGuest: Darren, Haydar, Retired NHL hockey player"