1 in 2 Millennials prefer Communism or Socialism over Capitalism! Is there finally proof that Sasquatch exist? Were the Ticats able to redeem themselves this season?

Published: Nov. 3, 2017, 2:46 a.m.

b"Though it's often believed to be a myth or simple folklore, there are many people who believe that sasquatch exist and are more common than you may think. Todd Standing has filed a lawsuit against the BC government to have one of their biologists go out into the field so he can prove the existence of Sasquatch as a species. Do you think that he will be able to prove their existence?\\n\\nGuest: Todd Standing, Sasquatch Tracker and Researcher-The final game of the Tiger-Cats' 2017 season will be played tomorrow and it feels like we should be booing them instead of cheering. Despite the last half of this season being better than the first, it doesn't change the fact that this season was ridden with controversy and short-falls around every corner. Do you think the Ticats were able to redeem themselves in the last half of this season?\\n\\nGuest: Rick Zamperin, Senior Sports Director at 900 CHML-According to a poll of 2300 people done by YouGov for the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, 1 in 2 Millennials would rather live in a Communist or Socialist society than a Capitalist Democratic one. If you're worried by this, you should be and you should also be worried by the fact that most of those who said this, didn't know what being a Communist or Socialist actually meant. How could we better educate people so they fully understand what it means to be a Communist or Socialist?\\n\\nGuest: Marion Smith, Executive Director of Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation"