Robert Moss-Dream Master with Scott Cluthe Live -The Boy Who Died & Came Back

Published: March 19, 2014, midnight

b"Join Scott Cluthe on FACEBOOK HERE\\xa0\\n\\nJoin Scott Cluthe's Constant Contact Newsletter HERE\\xa0\\n\\nRobert Moss joins Scott Cluthe Live for an show on his new book, The Boy Who Died and Came Back : Adventures of a Dream Archaeologist in the Multiverse.\\xa0\\xa0\\n\\nCreator of Active Dreaming and author of 9 books on Active Dreaming, in his new book Robert Moss shares his extraordinary Life Expereince. Moss had 3 near death experiences, beginning at the\\xa0age of 3.\\xa0\\n\\nAfter his first of three near-death experiences, when he was three years old, Robert Moss\\u2019s parents were told, \\u201cYour boy died and came back.\\u201d Moss finds \\u201cdied and came back\\u201d more accurate than \\u201cnear-death\\u201d \\u2014 and proof that \\u201csoul or consciousness is not dependent on the physical body.\\u201d Moss\\u2019s death experiences revealed reality to be layered and time fluid. Past and present, other worlds, and brilliant sources of wisdom were all accessible.\\n\\nAs the creator of Active Dreaming, Moss has taught thousands to use their night dreams to improve their waking lives. Now Moss teaches readers to be archaeologists, excavating and exploring experiences such as temporary death, dreams, and synchronicity. He describes how to seek wisdom and guidance from great minds and seekers, both past and present, and use the multiverse to pursue and live our \\u201cbig stories.\\u201d Through stories and shamanic dreamwork, readers discover truths that illuminate not just the nature of life but also the paths they walk here and now."