Parenting with a Story-Paul Smith-What Color is Monday?-Carrie Cariello

Published: Jan. 30, 2015, 1 a.m.

b'Join Scott Cluthe on FACEBOOK\\xa0 \\n\\nGet Scott\'s FREE NEWSLETTER\\xa0\\n\\nFREE E Book-Your Choice-1500 Titles\\n\\nLive with Scott Cluthe Thursday, one of the most successful Motivational Speakers around, Paul Smith, applies his "story" Wisdom to the complicated journey known as Parenting. Paul\'s book is titled Parenting with A Story.\\n\\nThen Carrie Careiello talks about the\\xa0challenges of rasing a child with Autisum-her book is title What Color is Monday ?\\xa0\\n\\n8 PM -7 CST-6 MST-5 PST\\n\\n\\nTell a young person what to do\\u2014play fair, be yourself, stick to the task at hand\\u2014and most will tune you out. But show them how choices and consequences play out in the real world, with real people, and the impact will be far more profound.\\n\\nParenting with a Storygathers 101 narratives from people around the world and from all walks of life, reflecting unexpected moments of clarity about who they are and how they should treat others. The lessons illuminate the power of character\\u2014integrity, curiosity, creativity, grit, kindness, patience, gratitude, and more\\u2014to prepare us for anything.\\n\\nSometimes heart-wrenching, sometimes funny, always compelling, these stories impart wisdom and help steer choices about:\\n\\nResisting peer pressure \\u2022 Remaining open-minded \\u2022 Being humble \\u2022 Making courageous decisions \\u2022 Standing by their word \\u2022 Bouncing back from failure \\u2022 Showing compassion \\u2022 Picking friends wisely \\u2022 And more'