Don Oscar Miro-Quesada- Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom in Everyday Life

Published: Dec. 18, 2013, 1 a.m.

b'Join the Positively Incorrect! Newsletter: CLICK HERE\\n\\nFriend & Like Scott Cluthe on FACEBOOK\\n\\nScott Cluthe\\xa0is honored to spend an hour with\\xa0Don Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo, a true Shaman on the 21st century.\\xa0\\n\\nDon Solevo\\xa0has released a new co-authored book,\\xa0Lessons in Courage: Peruvian Shamanic Wisdom in Everyday Life. Do not miss this special conversation & call in at : 347-308-8478.\\xa0\\n\\nDon Oscar Miro-Quesada Solevo is the originator of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of cross-cultural shamanism and visionary founder of The Heart of the Healer Foundation (THOTH). A respected kamasqa curandero and altomisayoq adept from Peru, don Oscar\'s apprenticeship in northern coastal huachuma curanderismo and initiation into the southeastern Andean paqokuna shaman/priesthood, formally took place between the years 1969 and 1986.\\n\\nHis first immersion into the living soul and mythic reality of Peruvian shamanism was under the uncompromising tutelage of the famed huachumero don Celso Rojas Palomino from Salas.\\n\\nDon Oscar accomplished his apprenticeship in northern coastal curanderismo fulfilling the dual role of auxilio de mesada ("healing altar auxiliary" or "ceremonial assistant") and rastrero ("clairvoyant diagnostician"/"diviner"), eventually becoming don Celso\'s segundo de mando en banco ("second in command for curing sessions"), throughout the winter months (June, July and August in the Southern Hemisphere) of each year until don Celso\'s untimely passing in July of 1982.'