10. Forget Brown Fat. Forget Wim Hof. Neuroscientist Otto Muzik redefines the secrets of the placebo effect

Published: May 19, 2023, 10:47 p.m.


Otto Muzik is best known to me for his research papers on Wim Hof\'s abilities that connected the iceman\'s abilities to the mysterious power of the placebo effect. The Wim Hof method website frequently cites the study and there is another paper in the works. But Muzik has a lot to say about the science of brown fat and the organization around him called "InnerFire" that might make you think twice about what Muzik\'s endorsement really means about the Wim Hof Method.


The Wedge



Otto Muzik\'s Website



Paper on Wim Hof\'s BAT





The Dawn of Everything





#wimhofmethod #Innerfire #brownfat #neruoscience #hubermanlab #tonyrobbins



