They Won't Leave

Published: Nov. 27, 2019, 7:45 a.m.

b'\\u201c\'Are you living or dead?\'\\xa0asked Father Theo. \'I am dead,\' said the voice."\\n\\nA quote from the second of today\'s two tales. Our first story is our second black-eyed children encounter report. Why is a married couple still haunted by briefly meeting two black-eyed children over thirty years ago? Our second story is a summary of the most heavily documented Catholic exorcism in US history - the early 20th century exorcisms of Wisconsin\'s Emma Schmidt. Was a woman\'s soul antagonized by demons and even the Devil himself for roughly three decades? Also, Lynze reads two creepy listener-submitted stories today. Which of these tales, if any, will leave you feeling scared to death?\\n\\nThank you for sending in your stories, Creeps and Peepers! Please keep doing so. Send them to\\xa0 Send everything else to\\xa0\\n\\nPlease rate, review, and subscribe anywhere you listen. Thank you for listening! Follow the show on social media: @scaredtodeathpodcast on Facebook and IG \\n\\n\\nWatch this episode on Youtube:\\n\\nFacebook: \\n\\nInstagram:\\n\\nVideo/Audio by Bad Magic Productions\\nAdditional music production by Jeffrey Montoya\\nAdditional music production by Zach Cohen\\nVarious free audio provided by\\n\\nOpening Sumerian protection spell (adapted):\\xa0\\n"Whether thou art a ghost that hath come from the earth, or a phantom of night that hath no home\\u2026 or one that lieth dead in the desert\\u2026 or a ghost unburied\\u2026 or a demon or a ghoul\\u2026 Whatever thou be until thou art removed\\u2026 thou shalt find here no water to drink\\u2026 Thou shalt not stretch forth thy hand to our own\\u2026 Into our house enter thou not. Through our fence, breakthrough thou not\\u2026 we are protected though we may be frightened.\\xa0 Our life you may not steal, though we may feel SCARED TO DEATH."'