The Teeth In The Walls

Published: Aug. 2, 2023, 6:30 a.m.

b'Dan has his normal two stories again. And there\\u2019s a theme with them both -faith seemingly conquering evil. The first story is set in the present day - centered around a woman living alone in North Carolina in what she\\u2019d hoped was going to be her dream home. And then a real bad former resident tries to turn her dream into a nightmare. Next, we travel over a hundred years back in time and head to southern India. A prominent family is terrorized by an entity that likes to play with fire. Literally. Lynze has three stories this week. A story about a possibly haunted gravesite, a strange tale that might make you wonder if it was a ghost or a prank and then the creepiest little story about what kids can see that we cannot.'