What You Need To Protect Your Business, Especially If You Have A Website!

Published: June 22, 2021, 4 a.m.

Teri breaks down that one item that was eating her alive, causing her stress, losing sleep over and that was having a privacy policy on our website. Okay so backtrack, we had connected with Jamie Bell, business lawyer and founder of The Contracts Market - which is exactly what is sounds like, a place entrepreneurs can get ready-made and customizable contracts to protect and grow their business. And Jamie laid it all out of the things entrepreneurs need to basically cover their butts, especially with their websites. Insert The Contracts Market, where you can find templated contracts, drafted by a lawyer and written in plain English, so you can understand what your putting out there and carry on your business knowing you are protected under Canadian law. This was the best $297.00 we spent on our business, and Teri can now sleep at night (JK she has a three year old who doesn't sleep) but at least it's not our website that is keeping her up now!\xa0

Want more info?
Contracts Market bridges the gap between free-and-flimsy and custom-and-costly by offering a range of legal contract templates that are easy-to-use, affordable, and written in plain English. Plus, every Contracts Market template is 100% Canadian-made, so even if you have clients all over the world, you can rest easy knowing you\u2019re protected under Canadian law.\xa0

Visit thecontractsmarket.com

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Teri Canestraro @teri.can
Sarah Singleton @bysarahsingleton
