Who is feeding my cat

Published: Aug. 13, 2021, 11:37 a.m.

If you haven’t read the other four blogs about the cat, and you suffer from worries and anxiety, then I would recommend that you do. They are ‘Don’t Feed The Cat’, ‘The Cat Is Back’, ‘The Cat Lives On’ and ‘I Can’t See The Cat’. These four blogs can help you fully understand your anxiety and help you see the things that unbeknown to you, can be negatively affecting your anxiety and worry habit. Also, the blogs give you lots of tips and advice about how to break the cycle of worry and become anxiety free. The last 18 months for all of us living in a time, while we are making history in this pandemic, has been a challenge. Now we are starting to see us coming out the other side of this. If we use an analogy to see where we are, we have just oven taken the COVID car and in the next few months it will be something we are looking at in our rear-view mirror. But it’s not to say that there might not be more challenges ahead, plus we all have to accept that COVID is here to stay, so now is the time for the world to learn to live with COVID and find the ways that will help us navigate this next stage.