What you believe to be true

Published: Sept. 22, 2019, 5:09 a.m.


We have been invaded - or at least our brains have - and our brains affect everything about us. Our hearts - yes, your heart reacts to emotions and will actually change shape over time, based on external and mental stimulus. Our lungs - shortness of breath, stomach - pains and digestive problems, skin - sweaty or dry. I am not telling you anything you do not already know. Our brains are bombarded constantly by social-media. Emails - aaargh - drive me crazy - and I\'m sure that\'s true for you too. Everyone has an opinion. Do you? Travel to places where you can just "shut off" by lazing on a beach, climb a mountain, cruise - as part of the fun - or blissfully on your own. It\'s time to claim back YOUR time, YOUR life and YOUR beliefs.  
