Happiness and You

Published: Sept. 15, 2020, 1:56 a.m.

b'Do you smile, frown, laugh or scowl? The choice is pretty much all yours. Take a walk on the lighter side and let a smile be your umbrella. Sounds corny? Give it a try \\u2013 you will soon see it works. Sure, we all have our issues, our problems, and dark places. Sure, we all have illness (I\\u2019m carrying a cracker one!) Friends and loved ones in hospital or terminally ill. We all have either relationship, financial or health problems. It\\u2019s a fact of life. As I have said before in these podcasts, we only get one go on the merry-go-round, that we know of \\u2013so why not make the most of it while we can. Enjoy this podcast \\u2013 I really mean that and while you\\u2019re at it \\u2013 enjoy life.'