Finding Your Purpose #1

Published: Oct. 14, 2019, 3:14 a.m.


We are all a bit different. You know that saying, "No two alike". However, the same Purpose can drive many, many different people. Once you know your "Why", which is your purpose, the "how" of achieving your goals becomes ever so much easier. The path becomes obvious. 


Start by going back in time - to when you were a youngster. What were you \'naturally\' good at and what gave you enjoyment and pleasure and was easy for you to do. What you may have found easy, others found difficult or embarrassing or both. You could never understand why they found it that way. To you, it was all a "piece-of-cake" so to speak. As you grew and grew older, that natural talent wanted to be released so that you could be the real you. Sometimes it happened - and you followed your purpose, which became your passion and many times it remained and probably still remains, deep inside you - wanting, hoping, pleading, to be released and embraced and fostered. Let it happen. Find your purpose, release your purpose, follow your purpose and truly live your life!
