A Love of Life - A Life of Love

Published: April 10, 2020, 3:06 a.m.


Life\'s journey throws all of us good times and bad times - curved balls and home runs - and that\'s the way it is. We have always been told it is how you handle adversity that shows what type of person you really are and that it is a choice. Many years ago I was taught to "roll with the punches" a boxing term that I have applied to the tough times in my life. You know what? It works! The good times I cherish - as I am certain you do too. Here is to the \'Good Times\'. Love Life, embrace it and show you mean it. When you change how you think, you change how you act and when you change how you act amazing things happen. Please check out my Blog at https://www.wingmansam.com/blog 
