SFR 275: What Content Goes Where

Published: Sept. 6, 2019, 8:04 p.m.


You can publish the exact same content on multiple platforms and get completely different reactions from your audience. Why?!


I really don\'t read that many books!


I have a different method of learning\\xa0 - that\\u2019s kinda controversial\\u2026 and a few people have gotten a little fussy with me about it.


Here\\u2019s what went down... (and it\\u2019s kinda funny!)


A little while ago, I was talking about a book that I had consumed.


I was like, "Hey, I read this book."


What I meant was that I\\u2019d listened to the book.


Then someone reached out and said, "Stephen, did you actually read the book or did you just listen to it?"


I was like, "Who the freak cares?"


So I wanted to address that question... because it raises a few interesting points that can seem, at first glance, kinda opposing \\u2026 \\U0001f609


I want to let you know...


  1. The REASON I consume books the way I do.


  1. WHY it matters WHERE you share your content


  1. The \\u2018A -Word\\u2019 I HATE\\u2026


  1. WHAT matters MORE than WHERE you get your content from


But first, let\\u2019s start with WHY I don\\u2019t read that much...




I\'m NOT a slow reader, but it\'s NOT abnormal for me to spend two to three months reading a book.


...and maybe you\'re like me, but I\'ll read a paragraph and often, I\\u2019ll get distracted by thoughts...


I\'ll sit back and ask:


\\xa0"How does this plug into my framework? Does it fit here or there?"


The question I\'m asking is:


\\xa0\\u201cIs this TRUTH?\\u201d


\\u2026 just because it\'s in a book doesn\'t mean that it\'s true, right?


I\\u2019ll go off on these mental tangents\\u2026 and that can take A LONG TIME...

\\xa0\\xa0 because of that, sometimes, I just want to absorb the main ideas from a book and so I\\u2019ll just go with the audio version.


Back in the day, when I first started this game, I read more books cover to cover, but now that I\'ve read enough of them, I focus more on\\u2026


  • Executing


  • My specific questions


... and that\'s what guides my education.


I\'m more hunting answers rather than trying to consume and master all the content.


I want the information faster and I wanna know the key points quicker.


I can listen to books at 2 x - 3x speed, and be like:


\\xa0"Oh my gosh, key point. How does it relate to the framework I know causes success? BAM.


You know what? I thought that was a cool idea, but I actually don\'t think it works. It\'s an attractive idea, but that doesn\'t mean it\'s right.\\u2019


Okay, let\'s NOT insert that idea into the framework\\u2026\\u201d


I think A LOT of people, feel weird about the fact that they\'re listening to a book, instead of reading it.


I\'ve heard many people apologize by saying, "Well, I didn\'t read the book, I just listened to it."




...seriously, who cares?


\\xa0It doesn\'t matter! I consumed the book, (let\'s call it that).





If you\'re like me, and you like listening to books, stop apologizing for that.


It doesn\'t matter! Who cares, okay?


Yes, I listen to books. I listen to books far more than I read them.


I know some people will be like, "Well, you have to read the book to take in the information! "


But that\\u2019s NOT TRUE


In my head, it\\u2019s like the movie Beautiful Mind...


I can close my eyes and see my framework and where it plugs into all the frameworks of my favorite funnels.


I can see all the follow-up sequences and all the promo sequences.


\\xa0It\'s drawn out in my mind.


One of the reasons I use my whiteboard like crazy is \'cause drawing is how I learn.


Now, let\'s get historical here\\u2026



Back 2000 years ago, a lot of the time, Dads were big storytellers, and people would listen to their grandparents and their fathers.


Q: And how was information passed?


A: By speech.


I can guarantee that \\xa0none of the kids were sitting around going, "Dad did you read that in a book ...or did you just hear that from grandpa?"


\\u2026 you know what I mean?


Just because the method of passing on knowledge has changed doesn\'t mean that the knowledge is bad.


Thousands of years ago, orators, (people who got up and spoke) were the teachers...


There weren\'t many books.


It\'s NOT like they were over at the printing press - they were handwriting that stuff, man.


No one was sitting around saying, "I\'m sorry, I don\\u2019t believe you unless it\\u2019s handwritten with a quill on a scroll!\\u201d


Too many times we get caught up on the whole method of information delivery.


Don\'t apologize for the medium that you learn from the best.


HOW I LEARN\\u2026


I listen to audio...


I\\u2019d rather download a program and listen to it while I\'m going about my day than sit down.


Sometimes, I need to pace around.


However, just to get contradictory here, there is a subconscious power of a platform that you can utilize to boost *COUGH* your \\u2018authority\\u2019...


\\xa0And that is the second point I wanted to make in this episode.





One of the biggest questions I get asked is, "Stephen, how do you become an authority?"


I\'m like, "Man, I don\'t freaking know?"


\\xa0In fact, I was talking to Stacey Martino, an amazing relationship expert, at the Unlock the Secrets Event.


I was like, \\u201c... sometimes I don\'t know whether to burn my skeletons in the closet \'cause I hate \'em or hug \'em because of what they\\u2019ve made me?\\u201d


\\xa0I\'m NOT talking about secrets and stuff,\\xa0 it\\u2019s just the past and some level of crazy experiences that we go through the further we get\\u2026


\\u2026 and not just the entrepreneur path.


Any path will require you to kinda purge yourself and keep getting better.


I was telling Stacey...


\\xa0I never tried to be an authority.


\\xa0I just did what Russell said, (which was to start publishing), and I accidentally got in a little bit of limelight.


\\xa0\\u2026 but *that\'s the lesson*


I could just talk to someone on a street corner and they might be, \\u201cYeah, that\\u2019s interesting, and who are you???\\u2026\\u201d




A podcast has waaay MORE authority with the same freaking info.


Think about it!


Being seen on certain platforms generally increases your status...


\\xa0People are like:


  • "Wow! You\\u2019ve been on a radio show!"


  • "Wow! You\'ve been on TV!"


The medium that you consume information from vastly affects how the audience perceives the information. The medium is a pre-frame for the information.


If I\'m gonna go scroll through Instagram, I treat that information differently.


Every platform has a different context:


  • Speaking


  • Reading a book versus listening to it


There\'s a context behind each platform!




I started thinking about this subject during the Unlock The Secrets event.


(A brilliant event by the way)


It was 3 days, literally, deep-diving into Russell\'s 3 books and teaching (in more depth), how to do what was in the book.


In fact, a lot of times, when I first started attending Russell\'s Inner Circle meetings, (not as a member\\u2026 this was years ago, when I just was sitting on the side, just kind of listening and observing)...


I was shocked to find out a significant percentage of the room had NEVER read Russell\'s books, but we\'re in, (at that time) his $25,000 Mastermind, (which went to $50,000).



I\'ve told that to people in the past, and they were like, "What? That\\u2019s psychos, that\\u2019s crazy!"


But ask yourself this... \\u201cIs it REALLY crazy?\\u201d


Obviously, you get waaay more from a mastermind than the book itself...


However, a lot of times, Russell would be teaching some of the very concepts and principles from the book to his Mastermind.


It doesn\'t matter if people:


  • Read


  • Listen


  • Learn from a Mastermind, (which comes with far more obviously than the book, obviously)


The BIG lessons are:


#1: Who freaking cares if you\'ve been reading or listening to books.


\\xa0#2: Understand the other side of that coin, and know like, "Oh my gosh, the mediums that I choose to publish on are actually affecting my audience.\\u201d #STATUS


It\'s funny because people ask, "Stephen, you haven\'t written your book yet?"


It\\u2019s funny, \\u2018cause I\'m saying the same things that are gonna be in my book in my podcast\\u2026


There\\u2019ll be more detail, clarity and refinement\\u2026 but basically, it\\u2019ll be the same stuff!




What\'s interesting is when you\'re chatting with somebody and they share something they\\u2019ve learned, and you\'re like, \\u201cReally?\\u201d


And they\'re like, "Yeah, yeah, I read it in this interesting book."


Q: What do usually happens?


\\xa0A: It satiates the question.


You think, "Oh, they\'ve read it in a book, therefore it\'s probably good. Therefore, it\'s likely to be true.\\u201d


There\'s a HUGE lesson, right there\\u2026



The method of content delivery does carry authority.


For example:


I could give the exact same speech face to face to someone on the street that I gave at Funnel Hacking Live


...and they\'d be like, "Oh that\'s really interesting."


But for some reason, put me on a stage with the exact same speech\\u2026



\\u2026 and there\'s MORE Authority.


People will trust what I say far more quickly


There\'s an increased speed of trust and affinity just from just being on a stage.


If I take that same speech and put in a book, \\u201cWhoa!\\u201d


For some reason, our brains look at content delivered in a book and go, "Oh my gosh, look at that, this person is an expert... "


So, I\\u2019ll say it again\\u2026


The method of the information delivery matters.




Maybe you consume my content on\\u2026





\\xa0...or wherever, (we put it all over the place).


However, \\xa0if you watch me, I know that MORE authority comes across in a video than if you\\u2019re listening to me on the podcast.


... and that\'s okay, we all consume differently.


But I know that\\u2019s the case\\u2026 and that\'s fascinating!


It\'s the reason why when you say, \\u201cI listened to a book,\\u201d instead of, \\u201cI read a book,\\u201d people will try to discredit the fact that you read the book.


\\u201cWell, you didn\'t actually read the book\\u2026!!!\\u201d


\\xa0What they\'re really saying is, \\u201cI heard it from a higher authority!\\u201d


...even though it\'s the same freaking information.


It\\u2019s so funny!


\\xa0... whether you\'re B2B or B2C; it doesn\'t matter...


The medium you choose is a pre-frame for how you\\u2019re perceived.


I know people who are like, "I\'m NOT gonna go on that platform because the context of that platform would not do well for the information I\'m giving!"


I get it.


\\u2026 which is why there\'s A LOT that I can\'t or will not share on a podcast.


People reach out and say, "Stephen you give so much stuff on your podcast. What else can possibly be in your courses?"




There\'s A LOT more helpful stuff in my courses ...because the context of the platform allows me to do more.


For example:


The context of OfferMind allows me to change\\u2026


  • the environment


  • the setting


  • the state of the brain faster.


Information is just information, but the way you choose to develop your content with the platform you put it on vastly affects how people are gonna perceive and consume it.



\\u2026 dropping gold nuggets here\\xa0 \\U0001f525


Can you imagine if you treated every one of my podcast episodes like you were sitting in an audience watching me speak?


You would treat the episode with far more affinity and far more, (I hate using the word), *authority*...


\\xa0At Unlock The Secrets, I was sitting dead center in very front row, and someone said:


\\xa0"You\'re taking notes, Stephen?"


I was like, "Yeah, duh... Russell Brunson\'s speaking!"


"But you sat next to him..."


"That doesn\'t mean that I\\u2019ve\' stopped learning from him."


There\'s a reason why Russell continues to cite Brandon and Kaelin Poulin, Alex Hormozi, and myself as success stories, I try to be his best student, which means\\u2026


  • I treat Russell\'s podcast like he\\u2019s speaking on stage every single time.


  • I treat his podcast like he\\u2019s turning around and requiring me to re-teach it to somebody as soon as he\\u2019s done talking #LearnForTwo.


One of my tricks is learning for two.


Learning for two was a theme of this show probably 200 episodes ago.




It\'s the way I treat the things that I learn that\\u2019s sooo powerful...


Just because I\'m learning from someone face-to-face versus on a stage does NOT mean I should treat it differently!


\\u2026 but people have a tendency to do justthat.






Go find the one, the two, the three people that you wanna keep following who will teach you a skill set that you know you need, (not things you\'re getting distracted with)\\u2026


\\xa0And anytime time you\\u2019re listening to them speak, act like they\'re on a stage.


Anytime they speak, act like you paid $100,000 for a one-day consultation.


I used to charge 35 grand for a day\'s consultation and the waiting list was more than I actually just had time to do, so I don\'t do it anymore.


It was funny how differently someone treated the exact same information because of the context.


Let me give you an example:


When I left ClickFunnels and I wanted to join the Inner Circle, I was like, "Dude, Russell, let me pay full price."


He was like, "Oh, man you don\'t have to... "


I said, "No, no, no, no. It\'s because I need to treat the information like I paid money to be in it."


I also got charged an extra five grand this last year to be in the 2 Comma Club X program on top of my normal Inner Circle fee, which was funny because I\'m one of the coaches.


I was like, "Ah, dude, you\'re paying your fee.\\u201d


\\xa0If I don\'t feel a personal investment, if I don\'t allow myself somehow to change state with it, I will NOT treat that information how I need to treat it.




  1. Don\'t apologize for the medium that teaches you the best.


  1. Understand how the medium you choose does influence those that are starting to follow you or who consume content from your business.


  1. The delivery of the information doesn\\u2019t matter, as much as the value you place on it.


It doesn\\u2019t matter if you read the book or listen to the audio\\u2026


Who the freak cares????


What matters is how I treat the information.


When I listen to books\\u2026


  • I pause them a lot.


  • I take notes on my text messenger


  • Screenshot it


  • Write it down later


...I have tons of text message screenshots \\U0001f602


\\xa0The last book I actually physically read was (I think) David Goggin\'s book, \'Can\'t Hurt Me,\' which is so good.


(Don\'t listen to it if words offend you \\U0001f609)


When people are like. "Well, Stephen I\'m not publishing yet," I get it.


\\xa0I didn\'t want to either.


But one of the reasons why it\'s so powerful to publish is because\\u2026


\\xa0People will treat the exact same message differently just by you changing the medium that you deliver the message on.

\\u2026 that\\u2019s why we pump out so much content.


One of\\xa0 the BIGGEST reasons is... ( and I hate saying it) *AUTHORITY*


The medium you choose is a pre-frame for how you\\u2019re perceived.


\\u2026 you can shout your message on a street corner, and the chances are that people will think you\\u2019re CRAZY, but increase the staus of WHERE you place your content\\u2026


...and you also increase the status of your message!



Finally, *Some Exciting News*\\u2026


\\xa0A few days ago, I told Russell:


"Dude, good news, man. For 2020, we have the very room that the 2026 Funnel Hacking Live was in\\u201d


Funnel Hacking Live 2016 was my very first Funnel Hacking Live.


\\xa0It\'s the one where:


  • I hid a bicycle in a bush


  • I Bootstrapped my way there


  • I stayed up all night in a hotel lobby


  • I traded funnels for tickets, hotel nights and plane tickets


I was like, "Let\'s go full circle."


It\'ll be September 2020, I don\'t like giant events cause I tend to learn a little bit less and the speakers can\'t go as deep\\u2026


\\xa0So it will probably be a 1000-person event.


\\xa0If you didn\'t get a chance to come this last year, we\'d love to have you next year.


Go to,\\xa0 we\'re making it so that you can grab tickets year-round - so you can plan and stuff like that.




\\xa0Hey, wish you could geek out with other Real Funnel Builders and even ask questions while I build Funnels Live?




*Wish Granted*


Watch and learn funnel building as I document my process in my funnel strategy group.


\\xa0It\'s FREE!


\\xa0Just go to the and join NOW.


