Elon Musk believes Bill Gates had a big short position on Tesla (TSLA) and lost a lot of money

Published: Feb. 26, 2021, 1:45 p.m.

b'Elon Musk believes Bill Gates had a big short position on Tesla (TSLA) and lost a lot of money Billionaires Musk and Gates don\\u2019t always have good words to say about each other, but they do appear to share similar concerns about climate change.\\n\\nHowever, Gates made some strange comments about electrification last year, including that electric trucks, like the Tesla Semi, and electric airplanes will \\u201cprobably never\\u201d work.\\n\\nIn a new interview on the Joe Rogan Experience, Musk was asked about those comments from gates.\\n\\nTesla\\u2019s CEO responded:\\n\\n\\u201cHe didn\\u2019t know what he was talking about. Probably somebody told him that and he is just not that close to the physics of it. I don\\u2019t think he is ill-intentioned here, I just think he doesn\\u2019t know what he is talking about.\\u201d\\nHe added Tesla already has working prototypes of electric trucks that are transporting cargo \\u2013 something that we already pointed out in our original report about Gates\\u2019 comment, including the fact that not only Tesla has working electric semi truck programs, but also other automakers like Daimler.\\n\\nBut then Musk revealed that he has heard that Gates was betting against Tesla with a large short position:\\n\\n\\u201cI also heard that at one point he had a large short position. I don\\u2019t know if that\\u2019s true or not, but it seems weird. People I know who know the situation pretty well, I asked them \\u201care you sure?\\u201d and they said \\u201cyes, he has a huge short position on Tesla\\u201d. That didn\\u2019t work out too well.\\u201d\\nWe have reached out to Gates\\u2019 foundation to see if we could get a comment on Musk\\u2019s claim, and we will update if we get an answer.\\n\\nTesla has sometimes been the most shorted stock on the NASDAQ, and people who bet against the electric automaker lost $38 billion in 2020.\\n\\nElectrek\\u2019s Take\\n\\nThis would be surprising to me.\\n\\nBill Gates doesn\\u2019t seem like the shorting type, but you never know. He did have a weird stance on electric vehicles on occasions, and he doesn\\u2019t seem to be a big fan of Elon nor Tesla.\\n\\nThat doesn\\u2019t mean that he has been betting against the company though.\\n\\nI don\\u2019t have an actual problem with shorting like Elon and some other people recently with what happened on Reddit and with Robinhood, but when it comes to shorting Tesla, it\\u2019s a bit different for me.\\n\\nI understand if you believe that the company is overvalued and you want to make money on a correction, but I feel that betting against Tesla\\u2019s stock is also betting against accelerating the electric transition.\\n\\nI\\u2019d hope Bill Gates wouldn\\u2019t do that.'