209: RFR Rewind: Grace Royse | Working the Super Bowl

Published: Sept. 16, 2021, 10:30 a.m.


Grace Royse is a 15-year veteran of the music industry with a concentration in production management and audio engineering.

Her experiences span thousands of festivals, tours and live broadcasted performances worldwide, including the US open, Good Morning America, Ellen, and the Super Bowl. \\u201cI've been on both sides of the event experience; touring with headlining A-level artists globally, as well as hosting artists as the on-site Production Lead. Understanding the needs of both gives me an exceptional operational vantage point.\\u201d

Grace credits her network of top performing colleagues, along with a strong sense of purpose, for making every successful project possible.

Full Episode Here: https://soundcloud.com/roadiefreeradio/127-grace-royse-foh-pm-tm-sm
