Published: Aug. 19, 2019, 10 a.m.


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This week\\u2019s episode is a little different than most.

I\\u2019ve never really broken down the journey of how I started Roadie Free Radio and all of the crazy twists and turns that got me here. So I hope you\\u2019ll join me as I take you back 15 years ago to the release of my short film ROADIE, and the subsequent twists and turns that got me behind the mic and delivering this show every week.

As I say in the episode, if it weren\\u2019t for an incredible list of people who helped me along the way I\\u2019m not sure any of this would have happened. So to all of them, and to all of you for listening each week, thank you!


Today\\u2019s episode is sponsored by airturn.com, showprobeardco.com, and stagehandsclothing.com. Use the code ROADIE to get great discounts when you check out.


Special Mentions:

Roadie Short Film, Roadie: A True Story (at least the parts I remember), Alan Rogan - Guitar Tech Tribute, John Kane: Pilgrims of Woodstock, The Last Seat in the House, David Dann: "Guitar King: Michael Bloomfield\'s Life in the Blues", John Joseph: The PMA EFFECT, www.theproductionacademy.com, Roadie Free Radio Merch, Samson Q2U Handheld Dynamic USB Microphone Recording and Podcasting Pack, ShowPro Beard Co., Napkin Sketch Stage, Event Runner Pro, Over the Bridge.org
