Keith Mestrich, CEO of Amalgamated Bank, talks about The Progressive Bank for Progressive People

Published: Jan. 26, 2017, 5:42 p.m.


Keith Mestrich, CEO of Amalgamated Bank, does not have the traditional rap sheet of your typical bank exec - he came from the worlds of organized labor and community organizing. \\xa0Amalgamated is a small, privately-held bank, and are among the most radical financial institutions in the United States \\u2013 they\\u2019re not shy about pursuing their agenda of social progressivism and untraditional transparency. \\xa0They're\\xa0in an interesting position at this point in history \\u2013 their small size and private ownership means they\\u2019re much nimbler than the big banks, but they also carry with them nearly a century of legacy that they\\u2019re trying to figure out how to use in a way that propels them forward, rather than weighs them down, into this increasingly virtual and digital financial era.
