Go To War: 2 Corinthians 10:5

Published: Sept. 25, 2016, 10:05 p.m.


Revelation Wellness\\xae is a non-profit ministry dedicated to educating and inspiring people to live healthy and whole lives in Christ so we can love others well. In 2007, we started our ministry at Living Streams church in Phoenix, Arizona by providing \\u201copen to the community\\u201d fitness classes called Revelation Fitness\\xae. We desired to breathe fresh hope into the fitness world and provide a new way for people to meet together and grow in love for God and for one another (Isaiah 43:19).

In 2010, God made it clear that Revelation Wellness had a global call to action. He charged us to, \\u201cRaise up an army!\\u201d because the harvest is plenty but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37). In that same year, Revelation Wellness\\xae Instructor Training was launched and is successfully sending out \\u201cmissionaries\\u201d in the field of fitness and wellness to this day.

Revelation Wellness believes that as the body of Christ gets healthy and whole by the power of the love of God, they will be fit for their purpose\\u2014to proclaim and show the love of God down the roads less traveled. By the power of God and the gift of His good grace, Revelation Wellness, its students, instructors, and partnering donors will impact the world for good by bringing health and healing into a lost and hurting world.
