#613 Celebrating God's Goodness through RW Ambassadors

Published: Sept. 29, 2021, 9 a.m.


We interrupt our regular podcast schedule to bring you a special episode today! We\\u2019re celebrating the goodness of God all week long through our Rev on the Air Fundraising Campaign, and today Alisa interviews two Revelation Wellness Ambassadors, Samuel Griffin and Nicole Webster. They talk about how the Ambassador program has impacted their lives, their family\\u2019s lives and the community around them. None of it would be possible without the generous givers that support Revelation Wellness. Be encouraged\\u2014the Lord is at work all around the world, all it takes is a simple step of faith and a YES to His calling with your time, talent, or treasure. We hope you enjoy the episode! See what God is up to at Revelation Wellness & get in the fun all this week with Rev on the Air by visiting:\\xa0www.revelationwellness.org/events/rota.

If you\'d like to donate, you can do so online or use Text to Give, you can text RWDONATE to 801801 and follow the prompts!
