#556 Arden Bevere - "Redefined"

Published: March 18, 2021, 9 a.m.


Join Alisa in today\'s podcast interview with Arden Bevere.\\xa0

Lazy, broken, entitled, and lost are just a few of the many negative labels that millennials have been given from older generations. In his new book, Redefined: Confronting the Labels That Limit Us,\\xa0Arden\\xa0Bevere, cofounder of\\xa0Sons & Daughters\\xa0and son of John and Lisa\\xa0Bevere, confronts 10 negative labels that have been given to millennials and redefines them with truthful words that shine a light on their God-given identity.

Bevere\\xa0shares his parent\\u2019s boldness and passion for raising up a generation of uncompromising followers of Christ who will transform the world. He wants readers to find freedom from controlling influences in their lives and provides wisdom beyond his years on how to break free from them.\\xa0

\\u201cOur generation is called to change the world. I truly believe that. But in order to step into our full potential and true identity, we must\\xa0redefine\\xa0the way we see ourselves,\\u201d writes\\xa0Bevere. \\u201cMy prayer is that we will not be a generation defined by past labels but by God\\u2019s calling to bring hope, healing, and change wherever we go.\\u201d\\xa0
