Buy Cars Better With James Kinson

Published: Feb. 25, 2015, 4:28 a.m.


Want to retire a year earlier? Maybe have a bigger lifestyle\\xa0budget for travel?\\xa0You\\xa0might be able to if you change your relationship with your car.


\\xa0"According to, the average monthly payment on a new vehicle is\\xa0$479. Considering your existing car is trouble-free, saving that\\xa0$479\\xa0per month means an annual savings of $5,748 by postponing the purchase of a new vehicle" (


In this episode I talk with James Kinson from\\xa0Cash Car Convert. James is on a mission to change how people think about and buy cars.\\xa0

  • What to look for when you\'re buying a used car.
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  • The value of buying used
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  • The dangers of long car loans
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  • How to buy a used car
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  • The value of buying a used car from a new car dealer
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  • How long a car can last (and still look great)
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  • Why you should do all the schedule maintenance
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In the Market for a Car?


Connect with James and learn how to do it right


Bill and Sally Want to Retire


Based on your feedback from January\'s Can Carl Retire series, I\'ve created a case\\xa0study for us to work through in the month of March.

Meet\\xa0Bill and Sally :BillSally Profile Pic
  • Bill is 58\\xa0years old. Sally is 59
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  • They\'ve been\\xa0married for 13 years (their 2nd marriage)
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  • Both work outside the home
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  • Each has an adult child from a previous marriage
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  • Neither has a pension
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  • Both started saving later in life (early 40\'s)
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  • Bill is very worried about the markets and world economy
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Sign up and plan alongside Bill and Sally and get access to an exclusive retirement planning webinar

