Asset Allocation Ingredients: What Are UITs and Structured Notes?

Published: April 28, 2021, 10 a.m.


As you start retirement planning you\\u2019ll want to think about using various types of retirement vehicles. This is why we are exploring different asset allocation ingredients in this series. I want you to understand the basics of these investment vehicles so that you can make an educated decision on what to include in your retirement portfolio.\\xa0

Today you\\u2019ll learn about closed-end mutual funds, UITs, and structured notes. Listen in and learn why it\\u2019s important to keep your investments simple. Don\\u2019t need to overcomplicate your investments.\\xa0

What is a closed-end mutual fund?

The biggest difference between a closed-end mutual fund and an ETF or open-ended fund is they issue a fixed number of shares. Because of this, closed-end mutual funds act more like individual stocks. They even have an initial public offering just like a stock does. Sometimes they will even roll out a secondary offering. Since there are a limited number of shares, that means there is no more money coming in or out of the fund. Closed-end funds also use leverage as a way to improve returns.\\xa0

What are the advantages of closed-end mutual funds?

Open-ended funds and ETFs always trade at net asset value, however, closed-ended funds can trade at a premium or at a discount. They aren\\u2019t typically purchased at the net asset value.\\xa0

Closed-ended funds don\\u2019t experience cashflow issues since they have a fixed amount they are investing. They don\\u2019t have to sell securities just because someone needs the money. People usually buy closed-end funds because of the distribution yields they payout. But it is important to remember that the high yield is usually due to the leverage they use. Discover the disadvantages of closed-end funds by pressing play.\\xa0

What is a unit investment trust (UIT)?

A unit investment trust (UIT) is a fixed portfolio. You\\u2019ll get a basket of securities in certain percentages that stays consistent over time. At a predetermined date, this trust matures like a bond and you\\u2019ll receive the cash value. The benefits of UITs are the costs and the lack of yearly capital gains. Since the trust matures at a certain time you will only need to worry about capital gains taxes at that time. They are also low in cost due to less management. Discover why I haven\\u2019t used UITs and why I really don\\u2019t like structured funds by listening.

Check out the Rock Retirement Club

The Rock Retirement Club is our online university that will empower you to rock retirement. The online courses will teach you how to build your retirement plan\\xa0step by step. You\\u2019ll learn how much is enough and when you can retire. In addition to being part of the amazing community of like-minded people walking the same journey, you\\u2019ll also gain access to retirement calculators, spreadsheets, and other tools to help you rock retirement.



  • [4:38] What is a closed-end mutual fund?
  • [8:31] What are the advantages and disadvantages of closed-end mutual funds?
  • [12:57] What is a unit investment trust (UIT)?


  • [19:17] How much is too much for a 5-year plan?
  • [25:03] A healthcare before Medicare question
  • [30:34] Self-funding long term care insurance using your home


  • [37:13] Think about what you can accomplish between now and the end of the year

Resources Mentioned In This Episode

Check out the long term care insurance series by starting\\xa0here

Rock Retirement Club

Roger\\u2019s YouTube Channel -\\xa0Roger That

BOOK -\\xa0Rock Retirement\\xa0\\xa0by Roger Whitney

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