#158 - How Binary Thinking Can Ruin Your Retirement Goals

Published: Feb. 22, 2017, noon


Hey, hey - it\\u2019s great to have you along for another episode of The Retirement Answer Man. I\\u2019m Roger Whitney and I am THE Retirement Answer Man. This episode of the show is all about how the habit of binary thinking can derail your retirement planning goals. What is binary thinking? I\\u2019m glad you asked! On this episode, I\\u2019m going to walk you through a couple of examples of binary thinking, including one I experienced with a friend of mine in years past, to show you exactly what it is and how it can be detrimental to your life - and your retirement planning. And\\u2026 I\\u2019m going to answer some listener questions about this year\\u2019s Retirement Plan LIVE. I hope you\\u2019ll make the time to listen. You\\u2019ll want to hear this one!

What is binary thinking and how can it negatively impact your retirement planning?

On. Off. On. Off. That\\u2019s essentially what binary thinking is. It\\u2019s thinking in terms of one thing, or another - and nothing else. When you get into the habit of thinking in a binary sort of way, you can miss a whole world full of options that might otherwise be open to you. I hope you can see how bad that can be when it comes to the way you approach retirement planning. This episode, I\\u2019m going to give you some example of how you can avoid binary thinking.

Is retirement preparation only about saving and investing? Nope. That\\u2019s too binary.

On this episode of The Retirement Answer Man, I highlight some good news that comes from the latest stats about retirement savings. Fidelity says that the average household savings rate has gone up to 8%. Wooohoooo! That\\u2019s always a good thing. BUT, it\\u2019s not the only thing that matters. You can\\u2019t ONLY save and invest and expect that you\\u2019re going to be all set for retirement. You need to think more broadly, less binary. That way you can make the most of every option you have. On this episode, I\\u2019m going to highlight some of the ways you can do that, so be sure you hear these great tips.

What are the old stories you need to stop telling yourself?

All of us have, what a colleague of mine calls, \\u201cold stories.\\u201d They are the things about ourselves that perhaps USED to be true but are no longer true - but we continue to talk (and think) as if they are still true. For example, you\\u2019ve heard me talk on the show about how I almost ruined my marriage because of the self-centered way I was living. If I continue to think of myself in those terms even though I\\u2019ve changed, I could sabotage my own ability to move my life forward. When it comes to our ability to build a great retirement, those old stories can be especially damaging. On this episode, we\\u2019re going to dive into what you can do to avoid living according to your version of those old stories. You\\u2019ll want to hear this one.

Don\\u2019t miss this year\\u2019s Retirement Plan LIVE webinar. Here\\u2019s how you can get in on it!

We\\u2019ve wrapped up the podcast episodes of this year\\u2019s Retirement Plan LIVE, and like we do every year, we\\u2019ll be summarizing and revealing the actual retirement plan for this year\\u2019s participants (Joe and Kim) in a LIVE webinar. It\\u2019s a fun way to wrap up and for you to see how retirement planning is actually done. You can get in on it via personal invitation. How do you get one of those golden tickets? Listen to this episode to find out!


  • [0:29] The story of Ralph - and the trap of binary thinking.
  • [2:47] The solution to the retirement crisis is somewhere in between the extremes.


  • [4:51] Retirement savings are at an all time high (according to Fidelity)!
  • [6:15] Savings and investing are only part of the retirement equation.


  • [8:52] Q & A about Kim and Joe\\u2019s case study from Retirement Plan LIVE.
  • [11:01] One listener\\u2019s concerns about Kim and Joe\\u2019s retirement situation.
  • [13:35] Will Social Security really increase like Kim expected it to?
  • [17:10] Would it be best for Joe and Kim to knock out their mortgage before retirement?
  • [20:08] Is it possible to live off $24K a year as one financial guru suggests?
  • [24:00] How you can get access to the LIVE webinar of this years Retirement Plan LIVE.


  • [24:54] Continue to organize your online passwords - and are the password managers really that safe?


  • [27:21] A group call experience I had\\u2026 and woman who says she\\u2019s too gruff with others.
  • [28:47] The old stories we tell about ourselves and why we need to STOP.


www.RogerWhitney.com/blog - find my core values as shared on this episode.

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Contact Roger: http://www.rogerwhitney.com/retirementanswers/

Roger\\u2019s retirement learning center: www.RogerWhitney.com/learn

The Retirement Answer Man Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/RetirementAnswerMan
