From Shop Owner to Trainer [RR 934]

Published: March 8, 2024, 4:15 a.m.


\\n\\nRecorded Live at MACS (Mobile Air Climate Systems) 2024 Training Event & Trade Show, Pam Oakes discusses life after selling her shop and the transition into training. She also focuses on the role of 609 certification, EPA regulations and the importance of continuous learning and education. As professionals, we must adapt, learn, and embrace changes to ensure we\'re not left behind.\\n\\n
\\nShow Notes\\n
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  • Watch Full Video Episode\\n
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  • MACS (Mobile Air Climate Systems):
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  • The MACS event (00:00:01)\\xa0Introduction to the event, including the number of speakers, hours of training, and expo highlights.
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  • Transition from shop ownership to training (00:00:58)\\xa0Discussion about the transition from owning a shop to training and the challenges involved.
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  • Importance of EPA compliance (00:05:03)\\xa0Discussion about the EPA\'s enforcement of regulations and the consequences of non-compliance.
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  • ASE subject matter expert team (00:12:31) Discussion about the benefits of being part of the ASE subject matter expert team and the approach to creating fair and effective exam questions.
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  • The shop owner\'s passion for learning (00:16:08)\\xa0Discussion on the shop owner\'s continuous learning and involvement in an ADAS project.
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  • The importance of training and continuous learning (00:17:28)\\xa0Emphasizing the significance of ongoing training, learning, and the value of a supportive team.
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  • Training and certification for industry professionals (00:19:46) Exploring the efforts to provide training and certification for technicians.
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  • Changing the language and perception of automotive roles (00:21:51)\\xa0Addressing the need to redefine and standardize the language used in the automotive industry to better represent roles and improve customer understanding.
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  • Automotive technology and industry evolution (00:23:30)\\xa0Comparing the evolution of automotive technology to the advancements in other industries and discussing the challenges of acceptance and adaptability.
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  • The future of automotive technology (00:28:26)\\xa0Discussing the future of automotive technology, including autonomous vehicles, hydrogen fuel, and battery electric vehicles.
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  • The impact of new automotive technology (00:30:16)\\xa0Discussion on the challenges and potential drawbacks of new automotive technology, including the push for certain technologies and the future of hydrogen fuel.
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  • Porsche E-Fuel (00:32:11) Conversation about Porsche\'s development of e-fuel.
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  • Hydroelectric Power Plants (00:33:57)\\xa0Exploration of the potential for hydroelectric power plants to produce electricity for e-fuel production.
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  • Post-Sale Life and Support (00:35:24)\\xa0Reflection on life after selling a business and the importance of support systems in the automotive industry.
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  • Training and Education (00:36:09)\\xa0Discussion about the importance of industry involvement in training and educating automotive professionals at all levels.
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