Episode #202 - Building Wealth Through Powerful Partnerships with Tamar Hermes

Published: Feb. 1, 2023, 5 a.m.


Most people get into real estate investing and try to do everything on their own.\\xa0 They try to find their own deals, put in their own money and even try to do the \\u201csweat\\u201d work all by themselves.\\xa0

This is a recipe for disaster and burnout.\\xa0\\xa0

If you want to clear 7 and 8 figures as an investor, you can\\u2019t rely on this approach. Instead, you have to do what other multi-millionaire investors do:

Build Strategic partnerships.\\xa0\\xa0

This fast tracks you to your wealth goals instead of slogging it out on your own.\\xa0\\xa0

In this episode, Tamar Hermes of Wealth Building Concierge joins us to discuss how she uses partnerships to build massive wealth in the shortest amount of time.\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0

Listen now.\\xa0

Show highlights include:\\xa0

  • The \\u201cgender gap\\u201d in real estate investing that leaves women behind in generating wealth (4:45)
  • Why relying on financial advisors wastes your hard-earned money and keeps you broke (7:25)
  • Discovering your unique talents: why most people overlook them and live a life of mediocre financial results (9:25)
  • Uncovering the secret habit of high achievers that most miss (and easy to spot if you know what to look for) (10:35)
  • The \\u201cPowerful\\u201d partnership method for finding and closing lucrative deals (even if you are not good at sales)\\xa0 (12:25)
  • The pitfalls of 50/50 partnerships: why equal shares is not always the right choice (16:25)
  • How to avoid doing \\u201csweat\\u201d labor in every real estate transaction (18:00)

To connect with Tamar Hermes, please visit:


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