A group of friends try to figure out who or what was standing alone outside under a sign… or was It a sign, by a sign?
Here is a preview of the story.
"We decided to gather near the sign for the Post Office, which is a 4-foot-high and roughly ten-foot-long brick and concrete structure. We were all huddled on the left-most part of the sign and watched as this woman frantically shook and pulled at the lock on the gate, but we heard no noise as she did this. I decided to move to the other side of the sign to see if it was just the gully behind eating up the noise, but when I looked around the corner, the woman was not there. The gate was clear, and so was the driveway leading up to it and the grass all around, and there were no cars in the parking lot. I turned to tell my group that she was not there and noticed they were all still looking towards the gate and discussing who she might be. I asked why they were still looking as she was not there any longer; they all told me she still was on that side of the sign."
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