Do you have a haunted house story? Stories of homes, who’s living inhabitants are not alone. Stories with the undead seem to still roam the halls the house the once called home. Why is its but there are so many haunted house stories have there? Is it a never-ending quest to return “home” that still drives us to these physical structures from beyond the grave. Are spirits angered by the living who inhabit the places that they once called home? What do the spirits expect to accomplish from beyond the grave? Today we hear true stories of haunted houses on Real Ghost Stories Online! Watch more at: If you have a real ghost story or supernatural event to report, please write into our show or call 1-855-853-4802! If you like the show, please help keep us on the air and support the show by becoming an EPP (Extra Podcast Person). We'll give you a BONUS episode every week as a "Thank You" for your support. Become an EPP here: or at or at