What do you do when a dark figure emerges out of the shadows and seems to know what your next move will be, before you do? That’s what one person tries to understand on today’s episode of Real Ghost Stories Online.
Here is a sample of the story.
“One afternoon I went for a walk on a field behind the building, bales of hay where littered at odd intervals and wrapped in plastic. Crossing the field, I looked up and suddenly saw a black shape dart out of view behind one of the bales. It was too large to be a bird. But I didn't discount a dog and remained looking at it for a few seconds. Whatever it had been doing re-emerge. And I made a move to carry on walking and shifted my gaze to the bale nearest me... again the now larger and much clearer outline of a person darted out of view. This time it really freaked me out, I stepped back and walked a large circle around it and from no angle could I see anyone, I really doubt someone could evade being seeing unless they really wanted to remain hidden and could predict my movements.”
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