Confused | EPP 233 Preview

Published: Feb. 7, 2019, 10 a.m.

Two teens find a connection when they both realize they have a similar connection to seeing the other side. A brewery filled with rumors of death and murder, finally gives one employee the proof he needs to believe the stories. An antique fortune telling game seems to always be correct in its predictions, but who is giving it the answers? What seems to be a normal night at a seemingly simple small town church turns out to be anything normal or simple. If you have a real ghost story or supernatural event to report, please write into our show or call 1-855-853-4802! If you like the show, please help keep us on the air and support the show by becoming an EPP (Extra Podcast Person). We'll give you a BONUS episode every week as a "Thank You" for your support. Become an EPP here: #ghosts #ghoststories #halloween #horror #paranormal #supernatural #haunting #haunted #demonic #hauntedhouse #cemetery #evp #ghoststory #ghostbusters #unexplained #shadowpeople #investigation #truestory