Read My Lips: The Romance of Creativity!

Published: Jan. 29, 2024, 8 a.m.

b"Welcome, audience dear, to Read My Lips talk, we're authentic and real, yes we walk the walk, hear our creative tales unfold, led by akaRadioRed\\u2019s spirit and Scarlett mic bold G.J. Bingham, a maestro of the arts, from comics to novels, he conquers all parts. A Jack Kirby Award and Emmys in tow, his creativity still continues to grow. Jill Sanders, a romance virtuoso, her novels enchant, in emotions they flow, from the Pacific Northwest to Florida's embrace, her tales of love leave a so-sweet trace. John W. Maly, a mind so keen, degrees in law, tech, and writing unseen. In the world of tomorrow, where justice weaves, His speculative thriller, a saga that cleaves. Watch or listen, it\\u2019s your choice, join akaRadioRed, and hear her voice on The Romance of Creativity, our episode new, we hope to inspire and share a smile with you"