Read My Lips: Dream On Play Your Music and Eat Like A Bear!

Published: March 29, 2021, 7 a.m.

b'akaRadioRed welcomes two creatives who can help you achieve your goals. Robert Miller became a rock star in his 60s, when most people are planning their retirement. He started the Project Grand Slam band, began writing, recording and performing his music, worked his way up from opening act to headliner, and achieved his dream. Amanda Rose, Ph.D. is the founder of the weight loss movement Eat Like a Bear, with viral weight loss success among women over 50. She crafted a simple meal approach to weight loss and a unique approach to the psychology of weight loss among life-long dieters. Join akaRadioRed for Read My Lips: Dream On \\u2013 Play Your Music and Eat Like A Bear!'