Read My Lips: Creativity with Heart!

Published: Dec. 20, 2021, 8 a.m.

akaRadioRed welcomes three heartful creatives. Sej Saraiya is an award-winning ethnographic and fine-art photographer and filmmaker whose work has taken her where not many dare to go deep into Asia and the Americas, capturing images that tell stories and wisdom of remote cultures. Jeff Allen, co-founder of the nonprofit Monkey\u2019s House a Dog Hospice & Sanctuary, wrote the book \u201cWhere Dogs Go To Live!\u201d and produced the animated music video \u201cLife\u2019s a Dog Bone Chew it All Day Long!\u201d Robert Toporek, a decorated Vietnam War Veteran, is an advanced Certified Rolf Practitioner for babies and children. He also runs a nonprofit that has distributed 21,000+ refurbished computers to families, schools, organizations, and veterans. Join us for Read My Lips: Creativity with Heart!