Read My Lips: Artful Creativity!

Published: May 22, 2023, 7 a.m.

b'akaRadioRed welcomes four diverse Creatives. Peggy McColl, a manifestation expert, has written 21 fiction and non-fiction books, translated into 37 languages, including the Savy Wisdom series. Pitz Quattrone is a world-traveled Didgeridoo Adventurer, the world\\u2019s oldest musical instrument. Pitz performs, teaches, builds, and composes music for the Didge. Rebecca Cuevas, Founder and CEO of Learn and Get Smarter, Inc., is the author of Course Design Formula: How to Teach Anything to Anyone Online. Ben Cuevas is an artist working across sculpture, installation, photography, new-media, and fiber-based practices, and is featured in galleries, museums, books and journals. Join akaRadioRed for Read My Lips: Artful Creativity!'