Swipe Up 217 - Opinion - Ray Taylor Show

Published: Dec. 15, 2022, 12:20 p.m.

Swipe Up 217 - Opinion - Ray Taylor Show 

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Show topic: Ray gives his opinions on current events and other random happenings.  

Story 1: “ajplus - Women’s basketball star Brittney Griner is coming home for the holidays.⁣

Griner was sentenced to nine years in prison for “drug smuggling” charges, after Russian customs found less than a gram of cannabis oil in her luggage. Griner had a prescription for severe chronic pain, according to her lawyers.⁣

When negotiating Griner’s release, the U.S. also wanted to free ex-marine Paul Whelan, who has been sitting in a Russian prison for alleged spying. The U.S. government says these are manufactured charges. Whelan remains in Russian custody.⁣

Griner’s release was traded for a Russian arms dealer named Viktor Bout, who has returned home to Russia from a U.S. prison, according to Russian state media.⁣

Story 2: “abcnews - North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper said, "This kind of attack raises a new level of threat."

But similar attacks and foiled plots suggest electrical grids and other infrastructure across the U.S. have been targeted over the past decade.

Story 3: “pubity - Jackie Chan has revealed he is in talks for ‘Rush Hour 4’. Chan had previously denied that he would be involved in the film in a 2019 statement.

Rush Hour earned a total of $244 million in the box office in its previous 3 films. Chan had previously promised to make more romance movies and fewer action movies, contradictory to this recent news.

Shout Out To: @ajplus @abcnews @pubity 

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