Ride On: Movie Review from the Ray Taylor Show

Published: Jan. 29, 2024, 12:20 p.m.


Ride On: Movie Review from the Ray Taylor Show 

Show topic: 

Join Ray Taylor on his insightful podcast as he reviews \'Ride On,\' a compelling 2023 Chinese action drama directed by Larry Yang. Starring the legendary Jackie Chan, alongside talented actors Liu Haocun and Guo Qilin, this film presents a heartfelt story of an old-school stunt performer and his loyal stunt horse. Released in China on April 7, 2023, \'Ride On\' combines action, drama, and emotional depth to create a unique cinematic experience.

In this episode, Ray Taylor explores the intricacies of the film\'s narrative, the performances of its cast, and the exceptional stunt choreography that is a hallmark of Jackie Chan\'s films. This review delves into the themes of loyalty, tradition, and the evolving nature of performance art in the modern world. Whether you\'re a fan of Jackie Chan, a lover of action films, or someone who appreciates deeply moving stories, this review of \'Ride On\' is perfect for you. Tune in to discover why this film is a noteworthy addition to the world of action cinema.

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Genre: Action - Drama - Comedy   
