Poison: Movie Review from the Ray Taylor Show

Published: Nov. 24, 2023, 12:20 p.m.


Poison: Movie Review from the Ray Taylor Show

Show topic: 

Step into the suspenseful world of \'Poison\', a captivating short film by Wes Anderson, based on a story by the renowned Roald Dahl. In this gripping episode, Ray Taylor explores the tense narrative set in India, where an Englishman faces a life-threatening situation with a poisonous snake lying on his stomach. The film unfolds as his associate and a doctor desperately try to save him without provoking the deadly serpent. Ray delves into Anderson\'s unique directorial approach to Dahl\'s story, analyzing the film\'s visual style, character dynamics, and the underlying themes of fear and survival. Tune in for an enthralling discussion on how \'Poison\' combines Anderson\'s artistic vision with Dahl\'s storytelling prowess.

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Genres: Comedy   
