Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1978): Movie Review from the Ray Taylor Show

Published: Sept. 8, 2023, 11:20 a.m.


Half a Loaf of Kung Fu (1978): Movie Review from the Ray Taylor Show

Show topic: 

Join Ray Taylor as he delves into the dynamic world of Hong Kong martial arts cinema with the 1978 action comedy classic, "Half a Loaf of Kung Fu". Directed by Chen Chi-hwa and penned by the legendary Jackie Chan, this film is a cornerstone in the evolution of Jackie\'s trademark acrobatic slapstick comedy. Chan\'s character, Jiang, is a naive yet energetic kung fu enthusiast, whose mishaps lead him into a whirlwind of adventures, encounters with mysterious masters, witches, and a quest for a unique jade plant. Experience the blend of laughter, high-flying kicks, and classic Jackie Chan antics in this unforgettable review.

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Genres: Action - Comedy
